A Jealous Friendship | MarVista Entertainment | April 2021
Tahnee Harrison, Brittany Goodwin, Evan Faunce, Jason Coviello, Penny Wilson, Hunter Phoenix
“When news anchor Kenzie (Tahnee Harrison) meets her boss Jillian’s (Brittany Goodwin) new boyfriend, Jasper (Jason Coviello), she suggests profiling him as a local hero based on his work as a counselor at a women’s clinic. While in Jasper’s charismatic presence, Kenzie finds herself becoming his latest client. However, as Kenzie’s life begins to unravel, she suspects Jasper is to blame. Increasingly wary of him, Kenzie is startled when one of Jasper’s former clients tells her that he has an unethical desire to control his patients. Determined to expose Jasper’s predatory behavior, Kenzie arranges an interview with the patient. But when the patient suddenly dies of an apparent suicide, Kenzie believes Jasper is behind her death. Realizing Kenzie is onto him, Jasper enlists Jillian’s help to ambush Kenzie. As Jillian is about attack Kenzie, though, she realizes Jasper has been manipulating her all along. Now, Kenzie and Jillian must work together to stop Jasper once and for all.”
This was one of those times when I would just stand on -set and think, “Wow. This is the coolest thing in the world to do for a living!” Part of it was working with an incredible cast and crew. Director, Dylan Vox and Writer, Scotty Mullen, have pulled together a phenomenal team that is not only well-organized but warmhearted to work with. Added bonus: the role is Juicy too! In this role I got to explore intense shame and vulnerability, while maintaining “grace under fire”.
We spent three weeks in Denver Colorado shooting this psychological thriller, that started with a snow storm, traffic chaos with Kamala Harris’s visit and in the middle of a pandemic! We did it!
Expected Release Date: March 22, 2022